Realistic Paint Studio | Software for digital painting

Version 2.00
- An ability to record time-lapse video added. Video recording is enabled by default and works automatically.
- Added a collection of anti-stress coloring with edge control function.
- Added the reference window. (You can open the window via Settings->Show reference)
- The reference layer now works like a regular layer - you are able to draw on it, pick the color, etc.
- Now you can export images with transparency

Version 1.20
- Added an ability to create custom canvases
- Added an ability to download additional tutorials
- Optimized brushes for tablets that do not support pen tilt
- Save(Share) function added to Options
- Several new hotkeys added: "Fast save (ctrl+s)", "Show\Hide current layer", "Swap brush and eraser"
- Some minor bugs fixed

Version 1.03
- "Windowed mode" added
- The ability to set "Pen pressure hardness" added
- Added new options for Export
- Support of "non-tilt" tablets
- Bugs fixed